Lessons on Fundamental Analysis
What is Fundamental Analysis?
If you
like analyzing social, economic, and political factors that affect supply and
demand, fundamental analysis is for you!
Interest Rates 101
rates changes are one of the biggest fundamental catalyts out there. Heck, you
could even say that they make the forex world go 'round!
411 on Monetary Policy
Your mama
may have brought you up to believe that honesty is the best policy, but in
forex trading, monetary policy rules!
The Who's Who of the Central Bank
banks are like puppeteers. They have full control over monetary policies and
their words can move markets in an instant.
Long-term Market Movers
As with
personal relationships, it's important to consider long-term factors in
trading. They may hold the key to your happiness!
News and Market Data
In forex
trading, you've got to keep up to date with the latest news and market data to
stay alive. Be in the know by checking out these market info tools!
Market Reaction
A super
duper important report just came out... Now what?!